"Distinguishing Features"

Photo Credit : Zenith Watches 

Have you ever seen hundreds or possibly thousands of suited and booted riders on classic and custom bikes roaring through your hometown or city and wondered what was going on?....

….Well it was most likely the world wide fundraising event, The Distinguished Gentleman's Ride

Founded in 2012, the Distinguished Gentleman’s ride (DGR) has grown exponentially since its inception with over £4.5 million pounds raised and over 340,000 riders participating last year it doesn’t look to be slowing down.

If you’re unaware of the DGR and its history let me fill you in. Back in 2012 Founder Mark Hawwa was inspired by a photo of TV Show Mad Men’s, Jon H astride a classic bike and wearing one of signature tailored suits. An idea of a group ride where participants suited up in dapper gear was formed, initially as a great way of connecting classic and vintage style bikers in Sydney and other Aussie cities it soon exploded to include hundreds of cities communities and also raising funds and awareness for prostate cancer research and men’s mental health.

Whilst a lot of focus (and quite rightly so) is on the funds raised each year, the DGR serves and equally important function of encouraging riders to connect not just on but also off the bike. Breaking down not only the barriers and stigmas around prostate cancer and the unfortunately uncomfortable tests associated with its early detection but secondly in recent years shining a light on the equally devastating mental health issues that affect not only bikers but men in all walks of life. The ride encouraging men to talk and not suffer in silence. The ride being a perfect time to connect and build friendships

Hedon has been the official Helmet partner of The Distinguished Gentleman’s ride since 2016 and each year they donate 100 limited edition helmets worth over £40,00 as prizes encouraging participants to exceed their fundraising goals.

In addition to the prize helmets Hedon also produces a limited run of Helmets to sell with part proceeds of each sale going to the DGR.

Watch the video of the 2019 ride here.